Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Thrifty Giftbags

I read a lot of craftblogs for inspiration and am always reading about great thriftstore finds. Our local thrift store just never has anything unique. However, yesterdayt I took a road trip with Kolya to a thriftshop about 40 minutes from our home. It was a sunny day and just seemed like a day for a drive. I have a small stack of Mapquest directions in the car to various distant craft stores, fabric stores, thrift stores, etc. for those days when I just need a drive and want a destination. Well, this thrift store turned out to be the perfect destination. I still did not have any luck finding vintage sheets, fabric or housewares, but I did find some great new giftbags and boxes at .25 a piece! They are made by a company carried a the Container Store as well. Here are just a few of my finds. I love the colors and various shapes. I love gifting little goody bags and these are a treat in themselves. Wouldn't you just love getting a fancy cupcake in the clever pink and brown box?

I'm still working on my dishtowels and hope to get some up later this week. I really want to overhaul my website a bit too, but that may have to wait. So many ideas, way too little time to design...

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