Friday, June 02, 2006

Birthday Bliss

Well, I celebrated my 31st birthday yesterday, June 1st and had an absolutely wonderful day. To start with, my little Kolya slept in until 9:30 (we've had a busy week and he has a touch of a cold). The only other time he has slept in like that was on our anniversary. What a thoughtful child! I am convinced it was his present to me. Anyway, I got a couple of hours to myself in the morning and worked on the overhaul of my studio space. I am trying to get really organized and am slowly sifting and sorting. After a fun morning with Kolya and his naptime, we drove out to a fabric store about 45 minutes from our house. I picked up a few fabrics to add to my little line of dishtowels as well as some natural cotton and polyester twill tape. It is hard to find the cotton
twill tape and I was hoping to find some in white, but so far no luck. I think I am going to try another fabric store today. We returned home and I got ready for an evening out with Jason. Kolya spent the evening with some dear friends and we had our first evening out since bringing Kolya home. We had dinner at my favorite Greek restaurant, which I would seriously eat at every night of the week if I were rich. :) We ate every last speck of food on our plates (even the waitress commented) and we rolled on home to give Kolya a nighttime snuggle and kiss ... a really wonderful day.

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