Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Yard Sale-ing

Ah, Spring has sprung and my beloved yard sales are back! The last few weekends showed a trickle of listings, but this past weekend seemed to be the Grand Opening of my favorite season. I have gone yard sale-ing since I was a kid. Each time the car would stop, I would clamber out to see what treasures awaited. My treasure list has changed over the years, but still nothing beats the rush of a great find. We had limited time this Saturday, but still managed to squeeze in a couple of good finds. Jason pulled the Jeep up and I clambered out... bringing these treasures home:

1 comment:

Recy Vintage & Creations said...

That black bench is amazing! Good find! Aren't yard sales just the GREATEST? You've inspired me to go to some soon.

By the way, I'm new to your blog here. I found it via the wish studio's blog. I was drawn to it because you are "Karen June" and I'm "Karen Beth". Great to be a Karen, huh?

Great blog. I love it! :)