And Morning Glories Bloom..."On Sarah's wall, green trees grow tall, / and morning glories bloom," ... a quote from one of my favorite childhood books by Doris
Orgel and illustrated by the extraordinary Maurice
Sendak. It tells the tale of a young girl named Jenny who longs to play in her older sisters room while she is away at school. Jenny's room is plain because she is not yet old enough to take care of her things. However, Sarah is older and more responsible. Her room has beautiful wallpaper with morning glories blooming on her walls. Jenny is too little to reach and open her sisters door, but one day discovers that she has grown just enough to reach the lock. She spends her day playing carefully with Sarah's toys and Sarah comes home to find Jenny in her
tidy room. Jenny has shown that she too is old enough to care for nice things. Now Jenny has beautiful flowers growing on her walls too...
I found this beautiful vintage tablecloth, which I am now making a small quilt from. I think it would look beautiful in Jenny's room...