Friday, February 16, 2007

Valentine Goodies

Nikolai and I came home from playgroup the other day to find a bag of Valentine's goodies on our front porch from my dear friend Monica. I had to frame the card right Lucas's likeness riding in a limo. The dress form photo holder just makes me giddy with happiness. I have been looking for a photo/card holder forever and finally gave into making my own simple version (shown on the right with part of my vintage Cavalier postcard collection). I can't wait to use the dress form to display one of my Petticoat Note Cards at our next show.

Preparations for our next show (Alliance for Children Multicultural Fair) continue to be under way. I have some beautiful fabrics coming in and the sewing machine is buzzing away...

We also had a lovely weekend with my best friend Carey... "Auntie Carey" to my Nikolai. We talked and ate... and ate and talked... and slept a little bit. Monica had remarked earlier in the week that she was so excited for me that my Oprah/Gail was coming to visit. However, Carey and I both decided we wanted to be Oprah....what to do but be each other's Oprah/Oprah?... Still trying to figure out how to move the states around to get Boston closer to DC...any ideas?

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