Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Posie Locket

This idea has been floating around in my mind for quite a while and I finally sat down to create it this afternoon. I used a bullion stitch to create the posie. After endless struggling with cotton embroidery floss, I decided to try cotton pearle floss. It has enough of a sheen to slide the base thread through the wrapped portion. I attached my design to a vintage brass locket and added some modern findings. I think its the perfect summer accessory...don't you?

Oh and if you haven't stumbled upon or heard about this new business... check out Spoonflower. They are a new service that allows you to print your own fabric designs! Oh the possibilities! I feel giddy just thinking about it. They are still in the beginning stages and appear to be at the "invitation only" stage right now, but you can register on their site to receive an invitation in the future. Check out their blog for some great previews of orders that have already been printed...
Brilliant idea!

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