Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bloggy Hibernation

I have been happily hibernating in the SimplyJune studio and somehow a few extra stitches and just a few more beads turned into a little bit of a blogging hiatus. I'm back now with a bunch of new things to show you and an upcoming show to catch up with old friends and make new ones!

Join me this Saturday June 2nd at Wish Studio's Indie Designer Boutique Show. This is part of Redbrick Art Center's Open Studios in Beverly in conjunction with Beverly ArtsFest. If you are already on our mailing list, you will receive a coupon later this week that you can use at this event.

This beauty will be available at our upcoming show... I re-purposed this vibrant vintage tablecloth as a baby quilt. It is completely hand quilted including a hand stitched binding and lined with 100% cotton batting. It is sure to become a family keepsake.

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