Friday, April 27, 2007


Yard sales, thrift stores, swap meets, dumpster diving...whatever your pleasure. There is just nothing more satisfying than finding that gem among the rubble. My friend Monica and I meet almost every Tuesday for junkin' at the local thrift store. I really can't remember a time that I have left empty handed. There is always some treasure to be had and for a few bucks I scratch that modern day shopping itch. I am also convinced that God leaves a few little gifts there for me along the way... These metal kitchen canisters were this weeks find. I love their pink candy striped goodness and that classic 50's/60's font.

Monica was the first to introduce me to the term " Junkin' " and seemed right in keeping with what I lovingly refer to as her "Ohioisms". Everything sounds so much more quaint with an Ohioism ... I am in a terribly irritable mood ... Monica has a "burr in her bonnet". I need to get out of somewhere fast...Monica needs to "blow this popsicle stand." I need to approach a situation with my fists ready to battle it out...Monica just slips on her "Teflon dress", which of course looks very cute and classy on her. I think Ohio must just be a happy, sunny place to be.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

my mom's from ohio...i totally know what you mean :) xo, mindy