Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Renewed for 2007 / Gourmet Resolutions

I'm back. Sorry for the long break from the blog, but it was well needed and full of craftiness, new design ideas, time with friends, family, etc. I'm excited about all that the New Year will bring with SimplyJune! It is so incredible to me how much SimplyJune has grown in the last year even with three trips to Russia to bring Nikolai home and adapting to our new family of three! It is because of all of you who read the blog, shop on our online shop, come to our events and cheer us on! We are really thankful for you.

I, like many of you, have my list of New Year's Resolutions. I really try not to make them each year as I tend to attempt too many all at once and end up somewhere in mid-February holed up in a corner of my studio eating chocolates by the pound and lamenting over what could have been. Do I get a do-over?

Well, despite all of that, I have made one of my goals this year to return to my love of cooking. Both Jason and I enjoy cooking and are always pouring through the cookbook aisle in search of new cuisine. This hectic past year derailed us into a life of frozen food aisle concoctions with the occasional gourmet blip on the radar. 2006 is now behind us and I have spent the last few days cooking with gusto, trying out new recipes and savoring the old favorites. One of our favorite types of cooking is Mediterranean. Between my Greek heritage and our trips all over the beautiful mainland and islands of Greece, we have fallen in love with all of the savory and healthful delights of the Mediterranean. This morning I prepared Stuffed Grape Leaves for our evening meal. From blanching the grape leaves to stuffing each one by hand, there is time to think and enjoy the rhythm of cooking and creating a meal. Tonight they will be served over a bed of rice with egg lemon sauce. Dinner at 8?

1 comment:

lgaumond said...

Welcome back! If I had to read "Wool Embroidered Buttons" one more time, I was going to have to send someone to your house to make sure you were still alive!