Monday, August 14, 2006


This is my truck. Well, not exactly mine, but the truck of my daydreams. On a recent beach weekend, Jason took a picture of this beauty for me. As I ogled it and daydreamed aloud about meandering trips down country roads with my dog Lucas in the front seat, hair/fur blowing in the wildflower sweetened wind and some acoustical sounds resonating from my radio... Jason then asked where exactly he and Kolya were going to sit. Hmm, hadn't really thought that one through exactly. I really think this is just a girl and her dog kind of truck... plus its just a daydream. In realty Jason, Kolya, Lucas and I meander down country roads in a Jeep Liberty filled with stuffed animals, cracker crumbs and toddler toys with acoustical sounds resonating from our radio - interrupted by bursts and blips of screaming, whining and barking, but with that safe feeling of family enclosing us. Daydreams are fun, but reality is so much better...

I stopped in to pick something up at my local fabric store the other day and they were having a sale on patterns for $1.99. I have been wanting to make some clothes lately, but haven't found a lot of extra time. I'm thinking I may make it a point to make a few outfits after the holidays when I can slow down and enjoy some personal projects during the cold winter months. I have also been doing some embroidery and thought it would be fun to add some embroidered details to some of these patterns. Anyway, into storage for a snowy day...

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